
 If you’re a woman in business, there’s a good chance you’re making the same mistake as a lot of fempreneurs when it comes to your money mindset. In fact, this mistake is so common among women business owners that it’s almost become the norm.  The mistake I’m referring to is having a scarcity mindset when […]

The Number One Mistake Women in Business are Making when it Comes to Their Money Mindset

If you’re like most women, you probably have a love-hate relationship with money. On one hand, it’s great to have when you need it—but on the other hand, it can trigger some really big feelings when you spend it, don’t have it or it causes tension in your life. If you’re looking for a way […]

5 Abundance Affirmations to Attract Money Into Your Life

It’s that time of the year again when we look back at everything we’ve done in the past year. And while it has undoubtedly been a year of local and global ups and downs, I’m always looking for that silver lining. Usually, the sentimental moments happen for me with a glass of bubbles in the […]

The 2022 year in review

Although December can be a time of joy and celebration, it’s also a time when many women in business feel the pressure to succeed. With end-of-year goals looming, cash flow stalling and the holiday season just around the corner, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to take a step back and focus […]

Mindset Tips for Women in Business During December

My Top Money Tips for the Festive Season… Christmas, November, and December always used to stress me out so much. Like anxiety vomit in the middle of the night kind of stress.  It’s less so these days. But for a long time, the festive season used to bring out the worst money guilt, fear and […]

My top festive season money tips

Success would be allowing myself the space and boundaries to work when I’m at work … and then going to the beach and being at the beach (not thinking about work). I love what I do, but as my business grows and demands more of me, it also requires my health, mental and physical, so boundaries become more important than anything

What does success mean to you?

​​​One day you’ll order whatever you want from the menu, as many different dishes as you want to taste ​​​​​​.
One day you won’t have to check price tags, fuel apps, or weigh up whether the shipping is worth it ​​​​​​​.
One day you’ll be paying your team Christmas bonuses, and it will feel so expansive and amazing. ​​​​​​​​

One day it will all make sense…

My work saves me … It shouldn’t. I know it’s not meant to … I’m meant to self-care, take a bubble bath, go for a walk, and all that bullshit that’s meant to relax me … it doesn’t. If I’m ever feeling overwhelmed, anxious, overly emotional, struggling, or just DONE with being a mum to […]

When im drowning in motherhood, my work is my escape.

It’s tempting because if I’m perfect, it’s easy to convince people that my x,y,z product will change their life.It’s tempting to sell you something by making y

I’m so sick of pretending to be perfect

So you want to manifest a tone of money right ???? You’re saying the affirmations, setting the intentions, wearing your selenite, visualizing yourself with your check from the universe …. so why isn’t it working ?

Are you self-sabotaging your goals?