If you’re a woman in business, there’s a good chance you’re making the same mistake as a lot of fempreneurs when it comes to your money mindset. In fact, this mistake is so common among women business owners that it’s almost become the norm. The mistake I’m referring to is having a scarcity mindset when […]
As the new year has arrived we can take this time to reflect on our goals and how we want to move forward in the coming year. For creative women in business, setting goals can be an exciting opportunity to get organised, especially when it comes to creating new initiatives or launching a side hustle. […]
Success would be allowing myself the space and boundaries to work when I’m at work … and then going to the beach and being at the beach (not thinking about work). I love what I do, but as my business grows and demands more of me, it also requires my health, mental and physical, so boundaries become more important than anything