
My Top Money Tips for the Festive Season… Christmas, November, and December always used to stress me out so much. Like anxiety vomit in the middle of the night kind of stress.  It’s less so these days. But for a long time, the festive season used to bring out the worst money guilt, fear and […]

My top festive season money tips

​​​One day you’ll order whatever you want from the menu, as many different dishes as you want to taste ​​​​​​.
One day you won’t have to check price tags, fuel apps, or weigh up whether the shipping is worth it ​​​​​​​.
One day you’ll be paying your team Christmas bonuses, and it will feel so expansive and amazing. ​​​​​​​​

One day it will all make sense…

“money the constant dream crusher” was my Facebook status in 2014, When once again I was scrolling real estate websites, knowing I could never afford the homes

Why money kept holding me back