We Are Done With Basic Bitch Business, This Is For Women Who Desire A SOLID AF Business.

There are 10 foundational pieces to creating a badass + bulletproof business

These pieces  together create a business that is solid AF, where you are solid AF, where your income is not just solid AF but growing and growing. And in BULLETPROOF BUSINESS, I’m going to share 4 of these pieces with you

 The issue is  that “lack of sales” is really just a symptom of something else underlying …

You are not sharing the right type of content for your client buyer types, and yes, there is a difference …. You don’t know how to activate your audience, your blaming your pricing for the lack of sales, but it’s really your energetics around your pricing that’s the problem … and your offer suite doesn’t support being paid in multiple ways every day so your constantly having to hustle to create new things for it to feel “exciting”

And more often that not your fucked up subconscious money mindset issues are just running the whole show self sabotaging at every turn ….

client love 

The issue isn’t “lack of sales” in your business, or that you don’t have enough followers, it’s not even that your “too expensive”

Creating a bulletproof business ...

comes down to being not only solid AF in your strategy but solid AF energetically … and both of those things come from clarity, certainty and confidence 

Most people  have no idea about the 4 client buyer types, and are often producing content or running their business in a way that actually rejects their ideal buyer straight out the gate … without even realising they are doing it

Your business requires you to be intentional and strategic about your individual goals + what your clients need to experience/feel/see before they make a purchase

Most people, put their prices up after some random coach says “omg you should charge more” … all excited by the idea of doubling their income they do it without strategy or energetically aligning … and it flops hard, leaving them without sales and a new fucked up subconscious money story to boot

When it comes to raising your prices, which is a necessary part of business, there is a way to do it right, with integrity, intention and strategy, that guarantees a smooth transition and MORE sales.

Most people are throwing up random AF offers online and wondering why they aren’t selling like crazy, or worse they are saying the affirmation “I make money in my sleep” without any real product or strategy to make that affirmation a reality

Learning about leveraged offer suites, and multiple ways of being paid is the true game changer, and how we go from affirmations in the mirror to making it a reality

Most women in business, will buy the courses. Try the looping audios, post x 3 times a day …, do ALL the things to make more money in their business. Without ever looking at their actual relationship with money …

Because babe, your relationship with money, and those pesky money blocks could really be the thing sabotaging you at every turn, and until you deal with them. Acknowledge them and rewire them … no about of “massive action” will help you break through, or be able to hold that next level of income that’s on your vision board

it begins here....

No more playing small, no more excuses, its time to back yourself and go ALL IN!

Creating a bulletproof business comes down to being not only solid AF in your strategy but solid AF energetically … and both of those things come from clarity, certainty and confidence in knowing what you do and who exactly you help, and knowing your worthy of it ALL. What I’m going to teach you in bulletproof business

 ▫️The 4 customer buyer types, how to figure out which one your audience is,

▫️ and how to create content, and run your business so it speaks to them and activates them FAST

▫️How to raise your prices with integrity and alignment,

▫️ How to strategically communicate your price rise so your clients and audience are actually proud of you and support you

▫️ Energetically how to raise your frequency to  your new prices

▫️Crafting a sexy AF offer suite that builds trust with your audience.

▫️Leverages offers in your suite that allow you to be paid in multiple ways every day with less effort

▫️How to heal your relationship with money and clear out annoying money blocks so you can feel safe as a visibly wealthy woman in business

▫️How to MOVE like a CEO, how to hold your energy and standards and how to be SOLID AF, to create a business and mindset that is truly bulletproof.

lets do it babe !