
The 2022 year in review

It’s that time of the year again when we look back at everything we’ve done in the past year. And while it has undoubtedly been a year of local and global ups and downs, I’m always looking for that silver lining.

Usually, the sentimental moments happen for me with a glass of bubbles in the sun somewhere between Christmas and New Year. We live on leftover Christmas ham, and the kids are distracted by their Christmas presents.  It makes me all nostalgic and sentimental. I start to reflect on the year that was … and begin to set goals for the new year (more on my virtual goal setting like a badass event coming soon).

So… what has happened in Sexy Selfish HQ in the last 365 days?
It took me quite a few days to come up with everything eventful that has happened to me this year… and another few days to narrow the list down to these few highlights that I will be sharing with you guys!

Here are the top highlights of 2022 for me ….

Highlight #1: conquering diversity in our home life,
My greatest challenge and highlight over the past 12 months has been navigating disability diagnoses for two of my 3 kids. Not only am I a mum, a business owner running two growing companies, but in 2021 we slogged through ASD diagnosis for 2 of our 3 kids ( our eldest having been diagnosed back in 2014 )  the emotional and physical strain of advocacy for your kids is exhausting on any day, let alone whilst also trying to juggle clients, staff and business growth. On an average week, our children attend between 5-9 therapy appointments,  adding essentially another full-time job onto my very overloaded plate. 12 months on, we are still trying to figure out how our life will look moving forward. It’s a challenge every day, but these kinds of mine are worth it a million times over. 

Highlight #2: Multi 6 figure expansion 
Having my highest grossing years EVER for both Sexy Selfish and Tyne Creative, switching to a company business model instead of a sole trader, and registering for GST for the first time. It’s been a big year with growth and expansion often faster than we can keep up, but thanks to having an amazing legal support team for those last-minute retainer contracts and agreements, we have pulled through bigger, better and more bulletproof than ever before. 

Highlight #3: I started saying no
…No to clients who I didn’t vibe with, NO to late payments, No to speaking gigs I wasn’t excited about, and no to all the shoulds placed on me. I stood in my power, trusted myself and listened to my gut. In turn, ive called in the most dreamy clients, ive got invoices paid in full and upfront, and my business has grown exponentially. 2022 was the year we rebranded and full stepped into acknowledging my badass bulletproof brand. 

Oh wow, what an incredible year!
I am so grateful for everything that has happened this year, and I look forward to many more years with all of you!

Don’t forget to do your yearly reflection too 🙂 I was hoping you could send me an email or comment on this post. I would love to hear about your top 3 things.

Here’s to another great year together as we enter 2023 together!

x Shona





The 2022 year in review

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