
5 Myths About Money That Women in Business Need to Break Away From

As a woman in business, it’s important that you’re aware of the myths about money that could be holding you back from achieving the level of wealth you desire. In this blog post, we’ll be busting three of the most common myths about money so that you can start making decisions from a place of empowerment and abundance.

Read on to learn more!

Myth #1: You Have to Be Born Into Wealth to Be Wealthy

This is simply not true! Anyone can become wealthy, regardless of their background or circumstances. Of course, it’s easier if you have a head start, but it’s certainly not impossible to achieve wealth if you don’t come from a wealthy family. The most important thing is that you have the right mindset. If you believe that you can become an abundant badass queen, then you will take the necessary steps to make it happen. 

Myth #2: You Have to Be Good With Numbers to Be Wealthy

Again, this is not true! You don’t have to be good with numbers or have an extensive financial education to build wealth. What’s more important is that you’re disciplined with your spending and investing habits. If you’re able to stick to a budget that works to your values and priorities and invest in yourself and your business, then you will be well on your way to achieving financial success and true abundance.

Myth #3: Only Rich People Can Be Wealthy

This is perhaps the most damaging myth of all because it keeps so many people from even trying to become financially free. The truth is that anyone can become wealthy, no matter how much money they have starting out. It’s not about how much money you have; it’s about what you do with the money you have. If you’re smart about your spending and investing habits, work on your money mindset, and cultivate wealthy woman habits, then you will be able to build wealth regardless of your starting point. 

Myth #4: You Need to Win the Lottery to Become Wealthy

This myth is similar to the one above, but it takes things a step further by suggesting that the only way to become wealthy is to get lucky. This simply isn’t true. While winning the lottery may give you a nice financial boost, it’s not going to make you wealthy.

Wealth is created through inspired action, dedication, and aligned financial decisions. If you want to become wealthy, you need to focus on building your own wealth, and cultivating a wealthy woman mindset …. not winning the lottery.

Myth #5: Wealthy People Are Greedy

This myth suggests that wealthy people are greedy and only care about money. This simply isn’t true. While there are certainly some greedy toxic AF people in the world, there are also many wealthy people who are extremely generous. Wealthy people are often generous with their time, resources, and money. They understand that they have a responsibility to give back and help others. If you want to be wealthy, focus on being generous, and recognize money is simply an amplifier of what is already there.

These are just a few of the myths about money that women in business need to break away from if they want to achieve true financial success. Remember, it’s not about how much money you have starting out; it’s about what you do with the money you have. If you’re disciplined with your spending and investing habits, then you will be able to build wealth regardless of your starting point.

So don’t let these myths hold you back any longer; start taking steps today toward becoming the wealthy woman you desire!

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x Shona

Money Mindset




5 Myths About Money That Women in Business Need to Break Away From

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